Diving Deep with Dolphins

A Laugh out Loud Adventure

           Bimini, Bahamas            September 2-8, 2018

 Joyous Journey Into Relaxation &  Rest

If you are a luscious trendsetting Goddess or Wild Succulent Man ready for an evocative and sensual experience and are ready to connect to your intuition and embody your divine essence,  join us as we delve deep into Vitamin Sea and meet her matriarchal mammals

Pushing off the ladder beside the boat, you plunk yourself into the turquoise waters, adjust your mask, and look around. Moments later, you’re paddling face-down in the warm, buoyant ocean, peering into the depths.

Swimming in this life-giving ocean, you breathe slowly and softly through your snorkel, feeling safe, supported and also deliciously excited.

Suddenly a large, gray torpedo-shaped form enters the edge of your vision. Your eyes grow wide with wonder and amazement as the dolphin passes in front of you. And here comes another one!  And another! In moments, the whole pod is circling around and between you and your friends.

One speckled dolphin has left the others and is gliding right alongside you. You stare into her eye as she passes, transfixed with her playful, trusting nature. You can feel it deep within you, this sacred connection. In this MOMent, you’ve been touched by a deep, wordless communication, a feeling of peace and purpose.


Do you need to get away for some rest, relaxation and a change of pace?
Relaxation is the name of the game on this retreat, including a week of digital detox and Vitamin Sea that will leave you feeling recharged reset and ready to go again!

Is it time to celebrate YOU and say YES to ALL of yourself — body, mind, spirit and animal nature?
This retreat is all about rejoicing — learning from the dolphins and each other how to be more mindful, joyful and authentic!

Are you looking for an experience is totally fun and fabulous as well as deeply transformational?
This amazing adventure is about connecting with your Inner Child and tuning into Nature.  And feeling the healing loving playful energy of the dolphins.

I am so ready to play!

What’s in it for me:

In this utopian underwater setting of Vitamin Sea, the Dream Team has created an environment that stimulates your senses and allows the boundaries to melt so you can surrender yourself to something  authentic and natural and have as many “woohoo” moments as possible.

This is a week of connection, laughter, listening and talking truth – a digital detox that brings you back to your Divine Feminine Essence  This is an opportunity to be a big kid and be totally uniquely you.



Here, you’ll be able to take a deep breath and let it all go, tuning in to your truth and feeling the pleasure of being you.  You can playfully indulge in the salty sensuality of the sea while also having an empowering, life-changing experience.

A transformation awaits you that feels easy peasy and will have you laughing and dancing and jumping for joy.

Whether you’re lounging in a hammock, watching the sunrise, sailing the sea, munching on local delicacies, or surveying the ever-changing island scenery, one thing’s for sure: On this trip, you will remember how to engage with the world in a way that is natural, open-hearted, joyful and oh-so-delightfully YOU!


From the moment you arrive in the little fishing village of Porgy Bay on North Bimini Island, you’ll discover that life unfolds at its own pace. You’ll also feel the magic of this funky little fishing village in subtle but important ways: Your blood pressure drops. Your tension melts away. Your heart opens wide as you take in the blue waters of all shades and the stunning sand beaches just a minute’s walk away.

With its own bay-side terrace and mooring, our home for the week is the WildQuest Retreat Centre. Light, airy and spacious, it’s the perfect spot to relax and chill out after a day on the ocean.

Here, you’ll enjoy the dining room and the beautiful meditation/yoga studio, both located in the main house. The rooms, just a few steps from the water, are clean, modern and spacious. Comfortably functional rather than luxurious, they’re perfectly suited to the laid-back vibe that characterizes this comfy vacation.

All rooms are non-smoking, with air conditioning, a small fridge and most with private bath. And while you’re unwinding and enjoying all this quiet comfort, you’ll also revel in the lovely views of the bay.

This is exactly what I've been looking for!

The Cuisine

Get ready for delicious, because our international chefs are cooking up a unique brand of fusion cuisine just for you — a colorful cornucopia of choices.

You’ll feast on three gourmet meals daily — mostly organic, each full of vibrant nutrition, and most catering to gluten-free, dairy-free and even alkaline options.

For breakfast, you’ll enjoy a buffet of eggs, French toast, waffles, granola, cereal and fruit, all accompanied by an assortment of delicious breads and spreads.

While you’re on the boat, your pre-packed lunch awaits you. And when we come up from the sea, there will be a platter of juicy fruit and high energy snacks. Just imagine how delicious fresh fruit is after snorkeling or sunbathing!

For dinner, high on the list of healthy and delicious is a variety of fabulous salads and fish with an abundance of fresh veggies that will make your mouth quiver with delight and your gut healthy and strong.

And of course the local specialties of Bimini, including Bimini bread and conch salad, fritters or chowder. We’ve tried ‘em, for sure, and we can definitely testify: they’re yummy, juicy — and fresh!  You’ll be invigorated by the food as your body thanks you for providing the best fuel possible for your temple-on-the-go!

The Benefits

HOW do I know this adventure is for me?

  • If you need to detox and release – the “salt heals all” experience                          of vitamin Sea gently seeps the sludge out of you  
  • If you long for an infusion of joy and fun – the sun, the sand, the sea – a sensory delight for your Little One and energetic exchange for your body
  • If you desire a peaceful presence this sacred sanctuary for dolphins can inspire and remind you
  • If you feel called to be  with dolphins, this right here right now is how to do it
  • If you are ready for an ecstatic experience we submerge your senses and have an interspecies pray and play sessions
  • If you desire to play big and shine bright the Dream Team will cheer you on and inspire you with fun life skills and easy peasy hahahabits
3 Reasons to say YES to this Evocative and Sensual Journey

This sacred space will fill you with an abundance of relaxation, peace and love. You’ll be sun kissed and overflowing with excitement and enthusiasm, eager to start your next life’s adventure with clarity and peace of mind.

After absorbing a week’s worth of morning sunrises and evening sunsets, digging your feet into the sand and playing dolphins, you will have mastered a renewed connection with nature and an appetite for adventure.

Your digital detox experience will have you sailing on a catamaran, dancing with dolphins and laughing out loud.  And why?  Pleasure is good for the soul and You deserve it.

Woohoo! I am in!!

A Day in Your Deep Dive

(all activities are optional and possible)

There’s no such thing as a typical day on a dolphin tour. Everything is fresh and new and spontaneous. And there ARE certain things we hope to share with you. Keeping in mind that things can change, here’s what we have planned:

SUNRISE MEDITATION                                                                    Rise before the sun and soak in this mystical magical enerchi

MORNING MOVEMENT                                                                 Soon after sunrise, you’re invited to join us in the studio for morning yoga, with a round of delicious twisting, stretching, deep breathing and meditation. Here, we’ll even do some Laughter Yoga, an extremely silly and hugely cathartic healing experience that’s fun for all. What a great way to honor your body and start the day with high energy.  Meditation helps to calm your mind and relax your body so you are ready to meet the dolphin pod.

Then it’s time for a healthy breakfast, after which you’ll have  free time to swim or stroll the nearby beaches or do some healing body therapy before we pack up our lunches and head for the sea .


CAST OFF                                                                                               As we sail off to the sacred space of dolphins in Vitamin Sea, you’ll love soaking up the solitude and the rhythm of nature on the wide, wonderful ocean. Ah, the total relaxation of being out on the open water!  We might stop for some snorkeling along the way.   

Somewhere in those 40 square miles of turquoise-blue depths — it’s not guaranteed, mind you, which adds to the thrill — but oh, the JOY and EXCITEMENT when we spot those fins! 

Sometimes, the dolphins swim alongside the boat or surf the waves off the bow. Sometimes they all stop and gather in one spot long enough for us to quietly put on our gear, then slide in and join them.  And while we’re in the water, sometimes they stay awhile, checking us out and coming up to meet us and communing in their sacred salty sanctuary with we.

Sailing back as the sun sets, we might do any number of things: snack on more goodies, dance in celebration, converse about our adventures and our lives, or sit in grateful silence.

A hot shower feels SO good after a long day on the water. And it feels good to get back on dry land, too — especially since dinner’s not far off. Whatever the specialty of the day, it’s bound to be mouthwatering and tasty.

Before bedtime, you can head out to the beach for sunset and perhaps a green flash phenomena.  You’re also welcome to take an after sunset stroll, do some stargazing alone or with others, gather for a fireside chat, or curl up with a good book.  It’s all up to you.

I agree, this is amazing!

Why Join Us?

Meeting the dolphins is totally magical. They’re just being what they really are. All you need to do is the same. Just relax and be you, that’s all that’s required. And that’s how our holiday is designed. For letting go and blissing out.

The dolphins help us plug back into our hearts. Meeting, being to being. No personalities, no boundaries, just pure presence and connection. It’s a resonance of Oneness many seek through spiritual practice, and it’s available right here, all while you’re having fun.

What a delightful combination: Nurturing exercise, mindfulness, wholesome healthy food, lazy days cruising out into warm, aquamarine seas, swimming with the dolphins, chilling out on a boat with the knowledgeable and peaceful Dream Team — welcome to a bucket list experience you will cherish forever.

OMGoddess let's make this happen

By the end of our time together you will…

  • Feel joyful and relaxed.  Watching the dolphins makes your heart happy and fills you with exhilirating energy.
  • Find your sweet spot of PEACE.  Let the sea help you surrender to the calm within.
  • Feel renewed and rejuvenated.  Spending time in and on Vitamin Sea alters your energy imprint and leaves you feeling free and fabulous.
  • Experience the power of simple pleasure in your life.  With no daily life distractions, and a routine of sea and dolphins, a shift will happen in the way you see things. 

What’s Included

  • Sunday night hotel stay in Fort Lauderdale upon arrival
  • Shuttle transfer from hotel to airport on Monday morning
  • Airport transfers on island upon arrival on Monday and departures on Saturday
  • Five nights’ accommodations at WildQuest in Bimini
  • Most meals (but see what’s not included below)
  • Yoga/meditation/stretch classes daily
  • Complimentary use of kayaks and bicycles
  • Healthful and savory snacks aboard the catamaran
  • A first class education on wild dolphins of Bimini
  • All the love and kindness you can ha-ha-handle!

What’s Not Included

  • Your round-trip airfare or ground transportation from home to Fort Lauderdale
  • Sunday dinner in Fort Lauderdale and one dinner in Bimini
  • Round-trip flight from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini ($390)
  • Bahamas Departure ($29) and Airport taxes ($32)
  • Crew gratuities 10-15% of retreat cost
  • Massages and therapeutic treatments ($95 per hour)
  • Travel insurance (REQUIRED)
  • Retreat photos and souvenir shopping

YES YES YES - Let's do it

The Dream Team

Namaste Little Ones.  My name is Goddess Diana.   I am a native of Israel, with Romanian and Egyptian gypsy HERitage.   I am researching pleasure and play and this human experiment called LOVE.   I am most at ease when shedding my skin and getting to my core.  I love becoming part of a pod, whether dolphin or human.  And slowing down and breathing deep and remembering who I truly am.  My juiciness comes from Vitamin Sea and letting her cleanse and heal me.

It wasn’t always this way.  As an Indigo child, I gained weight to hide my gifts and got angry for not having a way to express myself.  I also suffered from PTSD and all sorts of diseases that end in phobia.  I found yoga and meditation and lost 85 pounds.  And kept it off for more than 15 years now.

In the midst of all this, I discovered laughter.  Not that I didn’t know how to laugh before — I just needed to laugh more!  I needed to learn how this muscle worked and then exercise it.   Practicing daily enabled me to build this strong HAHA muscle and helped me chahahange my purrspective.   As a Highly Sensitive Person, I am learning from animals how to develop peace within and patience and compassion.   As my spiritual practice developed, I discovered I can “see” imbalances in others and find natural healing solutions.

For the last 20 years, my partner Noah and I, help others flex their ha ha muscle and find new ways to communicate with love.  Over the years, we have worked with individuals, couples and families in finding funny strategies to look at life, release stress, and have better relationship dynamics.

Today, our greatest joy is to share our laughter and healing wisdom and yummy energy with others. We help you reconnect with your inner child and be silly again.  And we guide you to find the sweet spot of peace within

We believe as the Dalai Lama says that peace starts within.   Our experience shows that laughing and playing is the way to get to that sweet spot of hahaharmony.

Between the two of us we are fluent in Spanish, Hebrew, French, English, Gibberish, the language of gentle touch and the language of laughter.


SuperPowers:  Climbs palm trees and is a SuperNinja


Supercool kid


Awesome MamaGoddess


SuperPowers:  gentle hands and heart, Pilates Pro


Yoga Goddess, Queen Bee, Mad Hatter – likes to enjoy a good cup of tea and a biscuit


Free Spirit, Adventure Enthusiast, Dolphin Spotter de luxe – likes to tell quirky jokes.


Energetic gentle touch healer, Fusion Food Chef, Artiste Goddess and beyoutifull soul


Captain Extraordinaire, Sailor, Funny Guy and Sweetheart


Plays with the soles of your soul, diver and dolphin dancer



Funny Finn, North Pole Baby, Stellar Stewardess – likes to shake it all out.


Pot Cake, Bimini Girl, Sand Addict – likes to swim with dolphins all day long.


OMGoddess I am so Ready to Play

Contact Us

Please send a message below and we can set up Zoom/Skype or call us direct at (954) 536-5902.

8 + 7 =